27 March 2007



I'm on vacation in England and you're not!


21 March 2007


Quote of the Week

On "Made in Canada", Colin is giving a presentation to Alan -- the head of a production company -- about a focus group survey he conducted:

Alan: So, Colin, the people in these focus groups: Who are they? Can we trust them?

Colin: I think so.

Alan: Do we have names [and] addresses? Just in case.

Colin: Yes. The members of the focus group were all recruited at shopping malls.

Alan: Malls -- excellent!

Colin: Mall people are your people.

Alan: Of course. I've been in one, you know.

Colin: The candidates were all approached -- at random -- and asked whether they would like to spend the entire day watching television and answer some questions, for $5 and some potato chips.

Alan: Five bucks? Isn't that a little extravagant?

Colin: No, no, no. Five dollars is key. The low compensation actually works to screen out those candidates that might have something more useful to do. This guarantees the target audience that we're pulling for.

Alan: Yeah. No smart-ass brainiacs.

Colin: Well, some guy with a B.A. slipped through.

Alan: No, no, no! These people ruin everything.

Colin: But we caught him using a word with three syllables, and we had that person removed from the study.

Alan: Good. Excellent.


17 March 2007


Poor Tofutti Cutie

I keep introducing her to fun TV shows (Red vs. Blue, Waiting for God, Black Adder, Made in Canada, etc.), but there's so many of them that she can't keep up! She doesn't have enough time to watch them and read all the books I keep loaning her. Poor Tofutti Cutie!

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16 March 2007


Quote of the Week

From Josh Aterovis' recap of America's Next Top Model:

Cassandra is like the sweetest girl ever. She's been encouraging all the other girls. She thinks she can still compete and be a nice person. Has she seen this show before? The nice girls always get sent home first. If you're going to be nice, you have to at least be crazy, or at least quirky. See Jael. Who is currently piling red tinsel on her head. Don't ask. I don't know either.


11 March 2007


The Things You Medium-Width-Feet People Take for Granted...

The other day I was raving about my new favorite shoe store -- Shoreline Wide Shoes -- to my parents. I explained how awesome it was to just point to a pair of shoes on the rack and ask to try them on.

My mom nodded knowingly, but my medium-width-feet dad said, "But you can always do that." After rolling our eyes at each other, my mom and I explained that regular shoe stores don't have every style in all widths.

Oh, Dad. You and your normal-width feet!


08 March 2007


Quote of the Week

Jack sent me a link to this awesome site called Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing. It lists horrible baby names that parents are considering (or have already named) their children. Here's a selection of tips from the FAQ on picking baby names:

- Generally avoid nouns. You're asking for trouble.
- Do a Google search for your name ideas. If all you get are porn sites, white supremacist groups and pictures of My Little Ponies -- it's a bad name.
- If you like a common name, but don't like how it's spelled, tough. Either use the usual spelling, or find a new name. Andrywe is NOT name.
- A stupid sounding name is still a stupid sounding name even if its meaning is "beloved queen" or something else nice.


02 March 2007


While Waiting for the Bus...

I wonder why people stand out in the middle of the street to see if the bus is coming. It's not going to make the bus come faster or help them board more quickly.

It's the bus equivalent of pushing the already-lit elevator button.


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