23 March 2010


The 11th Doctor

The newest trailer!


05 March 2010


Ass Kicking Face

Sometimes I feel like a Grammar Nazi. But there's a reason, really! Good grammar reduces confusion and miscommunication*.

I was looking at Cracked.com's list of "6 Historic Acts of Revenge That Put 'Kill Bill' To Shame", and under a picture on the first page they had this caption:

"OK, see this? This is my ass kicking face."

Which I read as an ass kicking someone's face. It took me a second to realize what they meant was this:

"OK, see this? This is my ass-kicking face."

A minor change in the text, but a big change in meaning.

Related: xkcd's "Hyphen"

*Spellchecks are handy, but can also be pains-in-the-butt. To wit: The blogger spellcheck is convinced that "miscommunication" is not actually a word. (Nor does it like "spellcheck", which is nicely ironic.)


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