26 September 2007


Grape Nuts

Last week I went to Costco and they didn't have Grape Nuts! I thought maybe they had run out, but when I went back this week, they were still out. How can they stop selling Grape Nuts? Now I have buy the small box at the regular grocery store.

I'm very annoyed.




I saw something yesterday that used the phrase " T'was the night... " It looked wrong to me. Shouldn't it be " 'Twas "?

Hey! Look at that! (OK, well, you can't see it. But I can.) My automatic spellchecker (which doesn't like the word "spellchecker", by the way) flags " t'was " but accepts " 'twas ". So I was right! The question now becomes, why didn't their spellchecker notice?


23 September 2007


Bus Tunnel

Tomorrow the bus tunnel re-opens. Yay! I'm very excited. It makes taking the bus through downtown so much faster.


22 September 2007


Wedding Wrap Up

I'm done! One wedding in June, one in August, two in September -- and that's it! No more engagements, okay? I'm pooped!

In summary...

Number of church weddings: 3

Maximum number of attendants: 6

Minimum number of attendants: 1

Average number of attendants: 3.5

Number of toasts: 9

Number of toasts given by women: 2

Number of toasts given by me: 1

Number of times I sat on the bride's side: 3

Number of times I sat on the groom's side: 0

Number of receptions at a different location than the wedding: 2

Number of buffet dinners: 3

Number of receptions with alcohol: 2

Number of times I caught the bouquet: 1

Number of women I had to compete with to catch that bouquet: 0

Number of couples where the bride and groom were the same race: 2

Number of couples where the bride and groom have the same religious beliefs: 4

Finally, my profound realization: The more closely related you are to the bride/groom, the earlier you have to show up.


20 September 2007



The other day I saw a woman on the bus wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt, a quilted down vest, jeans, and flip-flops.

Her outfit reminded me of that Sesame Street song: "One of these things is not like the others/one of these things just doesn't belong".


17 September 2007


Stephen Fry

Just when I think he couldn't get any cooler, I find out that Stephen Fry loves ABBA!

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15 September 2007


Three Down....

One to go.


12 September 2007


Quote of the Week

Hillary Clinton appeared on Ellen last week. I didn't watch it because, well, I was at work, but more importantly I figured that Ellen would be kissing Hillary Clinton's butt the whole time.

I was surprised to find out that this was not (or at least, not completely) the case. Ellen asked her point blank about her views on gay marriage. (The best part? After Clinton got through giving the standard "I support civil unions but not marriage" speech, Ellen asked, "Why?" Awesome!)

But there was another part that I found interesting:

Ellen: I'm going to ask you a question, but first of all I should preface this: I don't know if you know this or not, but I am gay.

Hillary Clinton: [jokingly] What??

Ellen: So yes, I'm gay --

Hillary Clinton: And you're happy, too.

Ellen: I am happy and I'm gay. There are some people that are gay and not happy, as we know. [pause] And won't even admit it.

This exchange got a lot of laughs from the audience (as it should have, since it was cute and funny), but it also reminded me how sad I find it when a gay person is so overcome with shame that they live a lie. There's been a couple of politicians in the last few years that have been outed, much to the humiliation of their wives. It always makes me sad. They're causing such unnecessary pain. If they could just admit (to themselves and to the world) who they are, then they would live happier lives, and they wouldn't have to use innocent women as beards. Of course, it would be nice if society made it easier for them to accept themselves...


10 September 2007


It's Hot Again

Isn't it fall yet? It seemed like we were heading that way, but now we're back feeling like summer. Blech.


08 September 2007


Tim Gunn

Could he be more awesome?

I watched the first episode of his new show. It was good!


05 September 2007


Quote of the Week

I finally watched the Battlestar Galactica mini-series. It was pretty good. Not as good as Farscape, but what is?

Since it will be a while before I can get my hands on some more BSG episodes (season four will start airing soon, so I'm sure the rest are on DVD), I've pulled out my Farscape DVDs. Sometimes I forget how incredibly good it was.

Here's Crichton in episode 1.2, "I, E.T.". He's just stepped onto an alien planet:

Crichton: It's kind of like Louisiana. Or Dagobah. [Aeryn looks at him quizzically.] Dagobah -- where Yoda lives.

Aeryn: Who's Yoda?

Crichton: Just a little green guy. Trains warriors.

Aeryn: Oh.

[As an aside, the automatic spell check doesn't like "Dagobah", but it accepts "Yoda". Go figure.]

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01 September 2007


Wedding Fun

This summer is The Summer Of Weddings for me. I've been to two and I've got two more to go. Despite all the weddings, I hadn't been to any pre-wedding celebrations.

Until this week, that is! On Wednesday I went to a bridal shower and tonight I went to a bachelorette party. My first of each, ever, actually!

They weren't for the same bride. The shower was for my cousin, and the party was for a friend from work.

Very different celebrations, but both were fun.


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