29 June 2013


Fandom Heights

Some helpful soul on Tumblr made this awesome height chart. They took actors/characters from some of the most popular fandoms (Supernatural, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, etc.) and sorted them by height. The results are fascinating and occasionally startling.

I wasn't surprised to see Sam Winchester (Supernatural) at the top. That actor is very tall.

There are two Doctor Who companions (Martha & Clara) at the very bottom of the chart.

Harry Potter is actually an inch shorter than Hermione, and Ron is 4" taller than she is. (Those are all Harry Potter characters, if you're not familiar with the books/movies.)

Watson (Sherlock) is actually the same height as Hermione!

River Song (Doctor Who) is the same height as Ironman (Robert Downey Jr).

Amy Pond, Rory, and the Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who) are all the same height (5'11").

The very top of the chart is taken over by the brothers from Avengers (Loki 6'2" & Thor 6'3") and Supernatural (Sam 6'4" & Dean 6'2").

Here's where it really gets really fun, though: I start comparing their heights to (female) basketball players.

Breanna Stewart (UConn) is the same height as Sam Winchester -- the top of the chart. Stefanie Dolson (UConn) is an inch taller. Lauren Jackson (Storm) is two inches taller. Holy cow!

Even guards suddenly seem tall. Kelly Faris (UConn...well, Connecticut Sun now) is 5'11", the same as Amy, Rory, and the Eleventh Doctor. Even itty-bitty Moriah Jefferson (UConn) is the same height as Donna (Doctor Who)!

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I'm surprised that David Tennant is 6'1". I never thought of him as being that tall.
That seemed about right to me. He's just a couple inches taller than Matt Smith.
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