30 November 2007


The Incredible Shrinking mamurd

I got my driver's license renewed today. I was really surprised at the difference between my picture from today and my picture from five years ago. I knew I'd lost some weight, but wow! I mean, I still have a double chin when I smile, but my face is oval now instead of round.

On a side note, I was surprised how many people at the DMV were unprepared for a long wait. Hello! It's the DMV. Long waits are normal. But there were people there who had to leave to go to work or doctor's appointments. What were they thinking?

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If only I could shrink too....
Here's how to do it: Go to school full-time. Spend two to four hours commuting every day. Any time you're not at school or commuting, go to work.

I call it the "work yourself to death weight-loss plan".
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