06 December 2014


I am *so* done with this day

I am so done with this day. In chronological order:

1) While washing dishes, a freshly scrubbed (and therefore soapy) cookie sheet slip out of my hands, flew onto the floor, and slid across the kitchen floor.

2) I was putting a almost empty carton of eggs back in the fridge, but I put the empty end in first, and (apparently) didn't push it in far enough, and it tipped onto the floor, breaking an egg (on the floor).

3) While a batch of Christmas cookies were baking, I sat down on my couch to watch a movie and eat a snack of pizza rolls. (Don't you judge me!) Somehow the plate slipped out of my hands and, as I tried to save it, I knocked my water glass over and got hot cheese on my hand. The water cleaned up easily enough, but the cheese burn is bad enough that every time I take it away from the ice/cold water, it starts to hurt again.

As soon the last batch of cookies is out of the oven, I'm going to bed!

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You could chalk those "mistakes" up to being tired or to AGE.
*evil grin*
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