08 June 2014


Quote of the Day: True Blood

From "Strange Love" (1.01):

Tara: Welcome to Super Save-a-Bunch.

Customer: Hi, I'm looking for that thick translucent plastic sheeting. The kind that they hang in front of the doors of walk-in refrigerators.

Tara: Uh... We don't sell that here. You can try at Home Depot.

Customer: I tried them already; they sent me here.

Tara: Ahhh....

Customer: Now, I cannot believe you don't have that here. Oh, I don't even know what it's called!

Tara: Sorry.

But you're supposed to have everything!

Tara: Well, we don't have that stuff. That you don't even know what it's called.

Customer: Your website says that this is the most well-stocked store in five parishes! I just drove over an hour from Marthaville --

Tara: Uh-huh. Does our website have a phone number?

Customer: Well, I suppose it does --

Tara: So it never occurred to you -- before you drove an hour -- to pick up a phone and call us to see if we stocked whatever-the-hell-it-is you're looking for?


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