26 April 2014


Quote of the Day: Not Always Working

Seen here:

[A former telemarketer get a phone call a month after they quit their job. The caller was trying to sell the same things they sold at their old job.]

Telemarketer: “Hi, this is [name] from [company]. Is [my name] available?”

Me: “Speaking.”

“Awesome! We at [company] are currently going through our old loyal customers and since you have been such a great...”

[At this point the former telemarketer recognizes the pitch, as it was the exact same one they had been taught to use at their old work place.]

*joining in* “...customer for us, we are glad to let you know that we are donating you six months’ worth of a magazine of your choice...”

[They continue talking at the same rhythm with him, repeating the old sales pitch from word to word. Surprised, he starts slowing down, until his words fade away and they finish the pitch alone.]

Me: “Yes, can you imagine getting six months of a magazine of your choice for free? The only thing you’ll need to worry about is the postage. So, for merely 20€ a month, you can get [lists various magazines] and receive a gift that is worth over 60€. What do you think? Shall we mail the first magazine this week?”

Telemarketer: “Uh...”

Me: “Yeah, sorry dude, not biting. Been there, done that.”


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