28 January 2014


Quote of the Day: Tumblr

Seen here:

"I think my favorite thing about the writing in Sleepy Hollow is that everyone behaves like fucking rational people. If any of the main four (Abbie, Ichabod, Irving, or Jenny) receives important information, they immediately share it with the group. Ichabod told Abbie right away that Moloch was definitely coming for her instead of keeping it to himself to try and 'protect her for her own good' or some bullshit like that. Irving asked for Abbie and Ichabod’s help in saving Macy without handing over Washington’s bible instead of just stealing it the first chance he got. They asked Jenny’s permission before watching her exorcism tape. On any other show, they would have just watched it, and Jenny would find out, and betrayed trust, and blah blah blah same old shit we’ve seen a hundred times before. They don’t need to manufacture drama, drama happens and the characters react rationally and drama still happens because they are caught up in huge events, but that’s no reason to act stupidly."


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