08 November 2013


Quote of the Day: Linda Holmes

I couldn't choose just one, but they're all from A Complete Curmudgeon's Guide to "The Sound of Music":

"You only have 17 favorite things, and one of them is 'doorbells'?"

"Maria is apparently sent off to the von Trapp household in the early summer, 'until September.' At the time she leaves, she wants to be a nun. Before the end of the summer, she has decided she wants a military husband and seven children. Maria needs a gap year, or she's going to enter into a series of unsatisfying short careers."

"The 'Lonely Goatherd' puppet show is all about coerced mountain marriages, including coerced goat marriages, which send a bad message to children and anthropomorphized goats."

"You would start by teaching untrained children to sing in unison. There's nothing wrong with unison. Having them sing in seven-part harmony is overly ambitious and likely to create stress."

"If Gretl is really dozing off in the middle of performances, she probably needs to focus less on her singing career and more on going to bed early."

"Sure, the Captain perhaps overreacts to discovering the children playing, but ask yourself this: if you hired a nanny and later saw your children, under her supervision, hanging from trees over a road without so much as a safety rope, would you find that whimsical?"

"That's a very short time for children under 15 to all become accomplished puppeteers."

"Louisa's middle-child thing is not going to be helped by sharing a verse with her sister."

"'There's isn't going to be any Baroness.' That is cold. THERE WILL STILL BE A BARONESS."

"Everybody sings a song about what a flake Maria is. At her wedding. Etiquette fail."

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