03 September 2013


Quote of the Day: Welcome to Night Vale

From episode 2, "Glow Cloud":

"And now, the news. Have any of our listeners seen the glowing cloud that has been moving in from the west? Well, John Peters -- you know, the farmer? -- he saw it over the western ridge this morning. Said he would have thought it was the setting sun, if it wasn't for the time of day. Apparently, the cloud glows in a variety of colors, perhaps changing from observer to observer. Although all report a low whistling when it draws near. One death has already been attributed to the glow cloud. But listen, it's probably nothing. If we had to shut down the town for every mysterious event that at least one death could be attributed to, we'd never have time to do anything, right? That's what the sheriff's secret police are saying, and I agree. Although, I would not go so far as to endorse their suggestion to 'run directly at the cloud, shrieking and waving your arms, just to see what it does.'"


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