04 January 2013


Quote of the Day: Due South

I know I just did a Due South quote. I don't care. I'm re-watching the RayK years (i.e. season 3 & 4) and it's stuck in my head now.

From "Eclipse" (3.02):

[To get a good spot for a stake-out, Ray bribed a cemetery caretaker with a bottle of scotch. A few minutes later, the caretaker comes back with the bottle.]

caretaker: This thing doesn't work.

Ray: What do you mean it doesn't work? It's just a bottle, it doesn't work or not work.

caretaker: If nothing comes out of it, what is it?

Ray: Empty.

caretaker: But it isn't empty, so it must be broken.

Ray: If it was broken, it'd be empty.

caretaker: Exactly. So it's not working.

Ray: [takes out a pocketknife and smashes the top of the bottle off] There. Now it's broken and it's working.

caretaker: Good man.


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