03 October 2012


Quote of the Day: Go Fug Yourself

From this post about some actress I hadn't heard of, either:

She is, to me, one of those people about whom Vogue will wax poetic while I think to myself, “am I supposed to know who this is?” Now, in her case, that’s not really fair: she’s been in plenty of movies, I just haven’t seen them, and her face doesn’t really stick in my head. There are many, many people featured in Vogue for whom the answer to, “am I supposed to know who this is?” is and always will be “unless your job involves doing the seating chart for a variety of New York-area functions, no.” Like, I know I am getting off track here, but how is it possible that Vogue still really thinks I should be kept apprised of what their favorite socialite-dermatologist is wearing? They are always yapping about, like, two very specific lady dermatologists and I am SURE those women are well-dressed and I wish them the best, but unless they are curing my skin diseases or fixing my wrinkles, I really don’t care. And if Vogue is going to focus on The Well-Dressed Dermatologists of the World, I bet you $100 there’s a woman in Boston who can prescribe Retin-A and is wearing some amazing shoes today. Like, there is a world beyond the island of Manhattan, Vogue. Anyway.


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