11 December 2011


Quote of the Day: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

From "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" (1.11):

Cordelia: So, are you saying she's invisible because she's so unpopular?

Buffy: That about sums it up.

Cordelia: Bummer for her. It's awful to feel that lonely.

Buffy: Hmm. So you've read something about the feeling?

Cordelia: Hey! You think I'm never lonely because I'm so cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes when I talk, everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word I say.

Buffy: If you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular?

Well, it beats being alone all by yourself.


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