18 December 2010


Quote of the Day: Supernatural

From "Weekend at Bobby's" (episode 6.04):

[Crowley has recently become the king of hell...]

Crowley: I thought when I got the corner office, it was all going to be rainbows and two-headed puppies. But if I'm being honest, it's been hell.

Bobby: I thought that was the point.

Crowley: You know what the problem with demons is?

Bobby: They're demons?

Crowley: Exactly. Evil, lying prats, the whole lot of them. They're stupid. You try to show them a new way, a better way, and what do you get? Bugger all! You know, there's days that I think Lucifer's whole "spike anything with black eyes" plan wasn't half bad. Hpph. Feels good to get it off my chest. We should make this a thing.

Do I look like Dr. Phil to you?

Crowley: A little.


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