03 August 2010


Quote of the Day: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

From "Bad Eggs" (episode 2.12):

[Buffy and Willow are stressing out about a "baby egg" homework assignment.]

Perhaps it's the burden of parenthood. Notice how seriously you two have taken this egg thing. While I, in turn, have, uh, well, chosen a more balanced approach.

[Xander starts tossing his egg around.]

Willow: Xander, maybe you shouldn't...

[interrupts] That's exactly what I'm talking about. [tosses] You can't stress over every little thing! [tosses] A child picks up on that. Which is a one-way ticket [tosses] to neurotic city.

[Xander drops the egg; it doesn't break.]

Willow: It didn't break! How come it didn't break?

Xander: Which is another secret to conscientious egg care: a pot of scalding water and about eight minutes.

Willow: You boiled your young?

Yeah. I know it sounds cruel, but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind! I mean, you can bet that little Xander here is thick-skinned now.

Giles: Technically that would be cheating, yes?

Xander: No! It's like a short cut. You know, like when you run a race?

Buffy: That would also be cheating.

Willow: You should be ashamed.

Giles: I suppose there is a sort of... Machiavellian ingenuity to your transgression.

Xander: I resent that! Or possibly thank you.


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