19 May 2010


Quote of the Day: Due South

From "The Man Who Knew Too Little" (episode 1.15):

[Ray and Fraser are transporting a prisoner (Ian).]

Ian: Aw, come on! I haven't eaten since the lock-up! I know my rights. You have to feed me every six hours.

Ray: Yeah, well, it's only been five.

Ian: Six! We passed a time zone.

That doesn't count! Fraser, you tell him.

Fraser: Well, actually, Ray, the legal scholars seem to be fairly equally divided on this point. One argument, extended to its logical conclusion, would provide that if you were traveling west at a rate of speed high enough to cross one time zone every hour, then you would never actually have to feed the prisoner. That is, of course, until you crossed the international date line, at which point you would have to force the prisoner to immediately consume four meals.


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