09 October 2009


Quote of the Week

I didn't really care for Southland, so I wasn't too bothered by its cancellation. Linda Holmes at Monkey See, however, makes some good points about the idiocy of NBC regarding its cancellation. (In summary: NBC promised to air it, regardless of the Leno-required move to 9 pm, then decided the show was to gritty for the 9 pm time slot -- without ever airing any episodes!)

Anyway, this led to a comparison of NBC and NBC-owned USA:

"What makes this story particularly frustrating is that in spite of what you read about costs and splintering audiences and a future made up of nothing but variety shows, there are indications that there are ways to make money with scripted shows. A Newsweek profile in July of this year discussed the remarkable successes of the USA network under the guidance of Bonnie Hammer, who helped turn USA into a major moneymaker. What's her strategy?

Good scripted shows, for one thing. Burn Notice, Monk, Psych, the new Royal Pains, and others. From that profile: 'Of all NBCU's properties, including the namesake broadcaster NBC and its Universal studio, USA has become the biggest earner, delivering roughly $1 billion in profits last year.' Hammer is not a snob -- she has embraced USA's relationship with professional wrestling. But her big strategy is good shows people like, and she's making money. NBC Universal owns this network -- how is its broadcast network making worse shows than, and making less money than, one of its cable properties? They're all in Rockefeller Center -- they're in the building. Go ask them how they're doing it."

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Bonnie Hammer was at the helm of Sci Fi when they canceled the Dresden Files. That show was on-time, under budget and pulling good audiences and they canceled it anyway. Bonnie Hammer is permanently on my shit list for that.

Plus, they show prof. wrestling on Sy Fy too. I'm pretty sure that was her doing to bring in the bucks, regardless of the the channel's stated purpose.
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