21 September 2009


-1 Lanes

Tonight I was driving north on I-5 when I saw a sign warning "4 LEFT LANES CLOSED AHEAD".

On that section of I-5, there are only three lanes...


Did they actually leave a lane open for you, though?

A month ago, when I took Christina on one of her state-mandated night drives (or should I say she took me, since she was driving?), we were coming back on Highway 522 into Bothell. An orange sign said, "Left Lane Closed Ahead."

I joked, "At least we still have the right lane."

Then another sign: "Right Lane Closed Ahead."

And it was.

We had to detour north on 405 to the next exit and work our way back through city streets to Bothell Way.

As for I-5, I don't actually know. I got off at Northgate to avoid any potential slowdowns.

The closed lanes were definitely after the express lanes ended, and I think there are five lanes then? But not for long, because you lose another lane at 175th.
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