22 August 2009


Quote of the Week

I'm almost out of Made in Canada episodes. :( That's ok, though. Then I can start re-watching Dollhouse!

Anyway, here's some more Made in Canada:

Wanda: Maybe I could be a vice president [like you]?
Richard: No, you can't be a vice president.
Wanda: You don't think I'm smart enough! I know how things work; I know how things go around here.
Richard: I know you're smart. There's a very good reason why you can't be a vice president.
Wanda: And what's that?
Richard: You have too many skills. In show business, you fail up. You don't fail down.
Wanda: But that's not fair.
Richard: I know. But I figured that out early, so I just did everything poorly until I was elevated to a position to accommodate my incompetence.
Wanda: So you're saying you're totally incompetent.
Richard: Luckily, yes.


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