29 May 2009


My Worst Nightmare

As usual, the first thing I did this morning was go to the bathroom. As I was sitting on the toilet, I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. When I looked directly at the spot, I couldn't see anything.

Remember: This was first thing in the morning. In other words, I didn't have my glasses on or my contacts in.

I squinted, but that didn't help. Then I saw movement again. It was definitely an insect (or a spider). But when it wasn't moving, I couldn't see it! I grabbed some toilet paper, and went to smoosh it. Closer in, I could see a vaguely darker spot on the floor. I aimed for that -- and missed! I tried again -- missed AGAIN! Third time -- and it was still moving! Fourth time -- I finally got it! Smoosh smoosh smoosh. It was dead.

I still have no idea what it was.


That must have been one gigantic spider!

We had a big squishy one in the rec room this morning too. I couldn't reach it, so my better half took a shoe (MY shoe) and killed it with his first swing. That was the easy part. Feeling it's dead body with a paper towel was the gross part for My Hero.

It must be the hot weather!
Actually, I think it was pretty small. That's why I couldn't see it when it wasn't moving.

Re: your better half and his squishy issues: Hee! That's so him! :)
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