10 October 2014


Everyone Is Horrible

My favorite new show this fall season is the surprisingly entertaining How To Get Away With Murder. Here's an excerpt from Tom&Lorenzo's review of the third episode:

"Y’know, while it seems to be a more accurate title with each new episode, we still think How To Get Away With Murder is a terrible name for a show. This is a show about getting away with much more than murder. In fact, in some ways, this is a show that indulges our most basic desires for entertainment, going all the way back to the days of fire: Let’s all come together as a tribe and watch people commit sin. It still takes us by surprise that this is such a deliciously dark and cynical TV show. It really wasn’t what we were expecting going into it. To be perfectly blunt, we just thought it was going to be a weepy legal drama with a high-profile lead. Instead, it’s a show all about people doing very dumb or very bad things to each other. It’s a show that has the message etched into its very DNA that all people are capable of terrible things. So after last night’s episode, where pretty much every person who uttered a line managed to break a commandment, we propose the much more succinct (and even more accurate) title, Everyone Is Horrible. Because everyone is, right down to the wide-eyed naifs. But for a show with such a nihilistic point of view, Everyone is Horrible sure is a fun hour of television. Let’s face it: we’re all just a step up from when we were living in caves. It’s still crazy fun watching other people sin."


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