13 August 2014


Movie: "Thor"

Darcy is the best part of the movie.

I mean, really, she is. "I'm not going to die for six college credits!" She's just the best.

(Runner-up is Hawkeye's brief appearance: "I think I'm starting to root for this guy.")

But more seriously:

The first time I watched it, I enjoyed the parts of the movie that took place on Earth, with the Jane/Darcy/Erik story, and the Thor-stuck-on-Earth adventures. Everything taking place on Asgard was just a bunch of CGI boredom.

The second time through, it was slightly more interesting, because I knew gb jngpu Ybxv. Xabjvat gung ur jbhyq orgenl Gube znqr uvf rneyl fprarf zhpu zber jngpunoyr.

The details of the plot are a little murky, but the motivations of Thor and Loki are clear, so the details don't seem as important. Thor has some nice character development. Jane is much more interested in her research than a romance, which is a refreshing change of pace. Also, there's Darcy. Did I mention she's awesome? Because she is.

Two items of note: 1) None of the female characters are ever undressed or even half-dressed. Even Sif's armor is cleavage-free. There is, however, a long shot of shirtless Thor. 2) This movie -- unlike The Avengers (which I love) -- passes the Bechdel Test. Jane and Darcy have several conversations that have nothing to do with a man. (See the aforementioned "I'm not going to die for six college credits!")

Overall, I think this is the second-best Avengers movie. (The Avengers is the best, of course.)

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