16 July 2014


TV: "Being Human" (season 1)

Possibly the greatest wunza plot in the history of television:

"A vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost are roommates."

That's the basic description of the show, and it's also the strength of the show. The main characters are amazing, and their interactions and friendships are why I originally got hooked on it.

It certainly wasn't for the plot. The first season's grand, over-arching story is a big bowl of meh. Something about vampires trying to take over the world? I think? I just re-watched it, and I'm still fuzzy on the details. It doesn't make sense and it's not interesting.

The smaller-scale plots are much better. George dealing with his curse, and his awkward and tentative relationship with Nina. Annie's struggles with why she's still here, and her feelings for her still-living fiance. Mitchell... Well, Mitchell sure is pretty. Unfortunately, he spends a lot of time being angsty and making poor decisions. But pretty!

The main characters really are fantastic, and the moments highlighting their friendships are an absolute joy.


Jura V svefg jngpurq vg, V qvqa'g arprffnevyl pner sbe Avan be Naavr, ohg obgu vzcebir hcba er-jngpuvat. Avan frrzrq pbyq naq obffl, ohg abj V rawbl ure gnxr-ab-fuvg nggvghqr. Naavr vavgvnyyl fhssrerq sebz orvat fb fgrerbglcvpnyyl tveyl: jrnx, zrrx, bofrffrq jvgu ure svnapr... Ohg jura lbh xabj zber bs ure fgbel, fur znxrf n ybg zber frafr, naq frrvat ure wbhearl vf jbaqreshy.

Vg'f vagrerfgvat gb zr gung -- ba jung vf bfgrafvoyl n ubeebe fubj -- gur fpnevrfg punenpgre vf n uhzna. Gung fprar jura Bjra pbzsbegf uvf arj tveysevraq, gryyvat ure gung gur Naavr-tubfg vfa'g erny, juvyr ur'f ybbxvat evtug ng Naavr, vf nofbyhgryl puvyyvat.

V ernyyl yvxrq Trbetr gur svefg gvzr V jngpurq, ohg ur fhssref n yvggyr sebz ercrng ivrjvatf. Ur fgnegf gb frrz juvarl.

Naq Zvgpuryy, lbh ner n zrff. V ybir uvf sevraqfuvcf jvgu Trbetr naq Naavr, ohg bgurejvfr ur vf n gbgny qvfnfgre.

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