18 July 2014


Book: "Catching Fire"

All I was doing was trying to keep Peeta and myself alive. Any act of rebellion was purely coincidental.

Catching Fire (by Suzanne Collins) is the sequel to The Hunger Games. I think the writing was better than in the first book, but it's possible that I was more involved in the story and didn't notice the weaknesses.

It does an excellent job of building on the world of the first book. Katniss is still just trying to provide for her sister and mother, but she unwittingly becomes a symbol for a revolution. This expands the story from her survival to the survival of her nation.

We get to see more of the country that she lives in, which is very interesting. Unfortunately, the logical (nit-picky?) part of my brain gets a little confused about the geography and logistics of Panem. A quick google search for Panem map shows a variety of fan ideas of what Panem looked like, since book is ambiguous about the details. And I don't understand how each District has one-and-only-one industry. But I guess they don't all work in the same industry: District 12 is mining, and Peeta's parents own a bakery. But it still seems like a strange system.

Ultimately, the basic structure of the story is the same as the first book, but it feels fresh because the scope is so much larger.


V ernyyl ybirq gung jr tbg gb xabj zber ivpgbef. Vg jnf zragvbarq va gur svefg obbx gung Unlzvgpu xarj bgure ivpgbef, naq guvf obbx ornef gung bhg. Gur snpg gung gur gevohgrf nyy xabj rnpu bgure punatrf gur qlanzvpf bs gur tnzrf, gbb. Va gur svefg obbx, gur xvqf jrer xvyyvat fgenatref. Va guvf bar, gurl'er (zbfgyl) nqhygf, xvyyvat gurve sevraqf.

Gur snpg gung Xngavff naq Crrgn ner tbvat guebhtu guvf sbe gur frpbaq lrne va n ebj urvtugraf gur grafvba naq qrfcnve. Gurve sehfgengvba vf cnycnoyr. Vg nyfb nssrpgf ubj gurl cynl gur tnzr, orpnhfr gurl xabj zber gur frpbaq gvzr nebhaq.

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