11 May 2013


Day 11

Question 11: Favorite "Peacekeeper Wars" moment?

This bit, right at the beginning of the miniseries.

See, there was supposed to be five seasons of Farscape. SciFi promised that there would be. And then, when the Farscape crew was filming the end of season four, SciFi changed their minds. (To get out of this, they labelled the first half of the season as "season four" and the second half as "season five". This numbering system appears absolutely nowhere else -- not in episode guides, not on the DVDs, no where.)

The makers of Farscape -- as was their wont -- had written a giant cliffhanger for the end of season four. When they found out they were cancelled, they had a choice: they could leave it as is, or they could rewrite it to give a happy ending. They stuck with the cliffhanger.

Season four ends like this: Crichton proposes to Aeryn, Aeryn accepts, bad guys show up and shoot them with weird space guns, they crumble into little tiny chunks. "To be continued...."

It was so heart-breaking that when I would re-watch Farscape, I would actually turn off the DVD after Aeryn says yes.

Farscape fans managed to get a mini-series made to tie up the loose ends. It begins with Crichton and Aeryn being brought back to life, two months later.

So that's reason #1 why I love this scene. #2 is the synchronized guns. #3 is this conversation:

Crichton: You said yes!

Aeryn: I did?

Crichton: Sixty days, any regrets?

Aeryn: No, it's going really well.

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