03 April 2013


The Schimmel Sisters

This year's Cinderella story is Louisville. Their star is Shoni Schimmel, and she and younger sister Jude Schimmel have been playing great in the tournament. (After they beat Tennessee to get into the Final Four, the two of them shared a big hug. Very sweet!!!)

Here's an article about their tournament run.

I first learned about Shoni Schimmel when I watched the documentary "Off the Rez" about her family's decision to move off the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon to a public school so she could play basketball on a bigger stage.

It's a good movie; I recommend it. I got it from the King County Library System, so if you're interested, I know they have a copy.*

*ETA: I just checked KCLS, and they don't have a copy. Very strange -- I could have sworn that's how I saw it. Weird!


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