06 February 2013


No LJ for 2013

The Storm announced today that Lauren Jackson will be missing the entire 2013 season to recover from her hamstring surgery.

She's had many injuries in the last few years, and I'm sure she needs the time to rest and recuperate, but.... I'm very sad.

They also announced that Ann Wauters has decided not to play in the WNBA this summer.

That leaves the Storm with very few post players: Camille Little, Ewalina Kobryn, and Tina Thompson (assuming she comes back).

Jayda Evans also reports that Jana Vesela and Silvia Dominguez will be fulfilling national team obligations this summer, so they won't be coming, either.

She did say that they were in talks with Abby Bishop, to see if she wants to try again in the WNBA. I'm not sure how I feel about that -- I wasn't really impressed with her in 2010.

The problem is, there aren't that many available post players. Kevin Pelton (who was the Storm's stat guy, until recently) suggests Kara Braxton as the top prospect, and that's a scary thought.

The good news is that they do have some extra money: Since LJ told them she would be gone for the entire season, they "suspended" her, which means they don't have to count her salary towards the cap.

This could be a tough season to be Storm fan.


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