24 September 2012


Last Night's Game

I was a little tired last night, so I put off writing about it until today.

So... Sue Bird played 20 minutes, LJ played 10, and it was Tanisha's turn to rest.

Storm still won, 71-57, and it never felt like much of a contest.

Well, that's not entirely true. Seattle had 10 turnovers in the first quarter. (Easy math -- that's a turnover/minute!) But they were only down five at the end of the quarter. The rest of the game they took better care of the ball, and that was it.

The highlight of the game was definitely that ESPN put a mic on Sue Bird. Here are the highlights:

[h/t S#*! my mouth says]

My favorite parts:

0:50 when she's instructing LJ about Phoenix's defense. (Which Rebecca Lobo then helpfully translates from player-ese for us.)

1:14 when Pam Ward says, "Thank you, Sue."

3:38-3:50 when she's directing Alysha Clark's defense.


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