21 July 2012


Quote of the Day: Test Pilot

"Test Pilot" is a regular feature on the website TV Surveillance where they re-watch old pilot episodes and analyze them. Recently they've been doing a series of "good show/bad pilot" episodes. This is from their analysis of the pilot of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

"Honestly though, most of the characters introduced don’t work. Picard is much more brusque than in later episodes, and is downright rude to crewmembers and civilians alike. Data is smarmy and smug, which is odd for an android who’s supposed to be devoid of emotion. Troi is certainly not devoid of emotion, but instead only has one: wailing anguish over almost everything that happens. At one point she appears at the verge of tears due to a door opening, for no discernible reason. But it’s really hard to figure out how most of these characters graduated high school, much less how they advanced through a faux-military space exploration organization to the point of being in the crew of the flagship of the fleet."


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