05 July 2012


Quote of the Day: Ryan Wheaton

From Wil Wheaton's blog, his son's plea:

Today on my way back from Whole Foods I walked passed [sic] a young woman who begged for 30 seconds of my time. She said to me, "What are the two things children need most to survive?"

I thought for a second and declared, "Atmosphere and gravity!" She looked at me confused and I asked, "Do you want me to donate money to give children atmosphere and gravity? Because I think they've got that handled... unless." She looked at me even more confused, "Unless, is this a campaign to bring our children back from space? HAVE WE BEEN KEEPING THEM IN SPACE?!" I stormed away, yelling to the sky, "Don't worry youth of the world, I have heard your cries and I WILL take action."

So, today, I come to you with my own plea.

There could be millions of children orbiting earth that are in need of your help. Without atmosphere and gravity, they won't have a fighting chance. Living in poverty in space has its drawbacks: their crops and livestock have all died and they can't find a single clean source of drinking water. By September, the U.N. estimates that there will be several million children without atmosphere and gravity, just floating in space. Starchild is a non-profit organization that aims to send astronauts up to bring our children home. If you, a loved one, or anyone you know has ever had a child in space, you know the hardship and difficulties they face. For a nominal monthly donation of $18.724 billion, you could help NASA bring them home. Please... help us reach the stars so they might have a chance to live just like you.


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