07 March 2012


Quote of the Day: Smithsonian Magazine

From an essay by Meghan Daum entitled "Plains Speaking" (November 2011):

In 1999, when I was 29, I traded New York City for [Lincoln, Nebraska] and stayed nearly four years. This was a strange thing to do, and it perplexed a lot of people, particularly because I did not, contrary to some assumptions, go there for school or a guy or because I was in the witness protection program. As a result, there's a part of me that feels like an impostor whenever I write or even talk about Lincoln. I'm not from there, I don't live there now, and when I did live there, I occupied an often awkward middle ground between guest and resident. By this I mean that even though I lived in a house and had friends and a relationship and a book club and a dog, I was always regarded as "the person who moved here from New York for no particular reason." In Nebraska that translated loosely into "deeply weird person."


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