04 August 2011


Thanks for Nothing, Comcast

When my DVR freaks out, I re-boot it.

When I lose my internet connection, I re-boot my modem.

Today, when they both went out at the same time, and the modem re-boot didn't work, I called Comcast. I assumed there was an outage of some kind.

The Comcast service dude said there wasn't, and suggested I check the splitter. Still no connection. He scheduled me for a service appointment tomorrow. We hung up.

I discovered my cable had returned. I proceeded to fiddle around with my modem -- switching coaxial cables, re-connecting them, re-booting the modem -- and after an hour or so, I had internet again.

So, thanks for nothing Comcast. Calling you was a monumental waste of time. I've already learned not to call you with DVR problems (the solution is always the same: unplug the DVR), and now I know not to bother calling you for anything.

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Unfortunately, calling Qwest-->CenturyLink has the same results...

Oh, occasionally they send someone out, but nothing gets fixed.
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