06 August 2011


Quote of the Day: Swin Cash

From the audio interview after last night's game, posted on the Storm website:

reporter: What was going through your mind when Tina [Charles] got the rebound, and they scored with only three seconds left?

Swin Cash:
I was like "ugh!" But then I looked up and saw that we got three seconds, and that's a lot of time. So, it was like, "What play you have, Brian? Let's draw it up. Let's go."

reporter: [chuckling in disbelief] Did you really? You looked up and said, "Three seconds: That will do it."

Swin Cash:
Yeah! I was mad. I was like "ugh!" I looked up -- three seconds -- all right, let's go back to the huddle. What you got Brian? Let's go. I mean, I thought that was enough time. If it had been, you know, one-point-something... But Sue had enough time to catch the ball, dribble, square up, [and] pop it. So, for me, three seconds is a lot of time.


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