02 June 2011


Lots of Storm Stuff!

The WNBA season begins tomorrow (Friday), so articles abound!

This article from the Everett Herald focuses on Lauren Jackson:

"Look at her athletic resume and Jackson outshines anyone this town has ever seen. She is a three-time league MVP, matching the combined total of the Seahawks, Mariners and Sonics in their combined 100-plus years of existence. She has led her team to two league championships, or twice the total of the city's three most high-profile professional teams. She is a seven-time all-star, a three-time Olympian and a gold medalist in the 2006 World Championships."

The official WNBA site has a team preview for the Storm. (Funny: When I first looked at it, it listed the starters as Sue Bird (G), Swin Cash (G), Camille Little (F), Le'Coe Willingham (F), and Lauren Jackson (C). Somebody must have pointed out the error, because now it has the correct line-up: Sue Bird (G), Tanisha Wright (G), Swin Cash (F), Camille Little (F), and Lauren Jackson (C).)

The final team roster is here. I'm really excited to see Katie Smith and Ify Ibekwe play. I'm also curious to hear how Ify Ibekwe's name is pronounced!

Over on ESPN.com, Mechelle Voepel has two articles. "Storm look stronger for 2011" and "Defending champ opens as favorite".

The San Francisco Chronicle also has a nice article about the Storm. (Because Seattle is the closest WNBA team?)

Finally, from the Storm's own website, an article about how they're trying not to focus on repeating. By the way, did you know that "all nine veteran players on the Storm's final roster have won at least one WNBA championship"? That's pretty impressive!

P.S. I finally tracked down a copy of Jayda Evans' book Game On! She saw my tweet (because I put her twitter name in the message), and this was her response. Awesome!


My guess is "if'-ee i-beck'-way", with both "i's" pronounced like the "i" in "if".
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