31 January 2011


Quote of the Day: Steven Brust

From Athyra:

Vlad: Flax? Is that all you grow around here?

Savn: Almost. There's a little maize for the stock, but it doesn't really grow well in this soil. It's mostly flax.

That accounts for it.

Savn: Accounts for what?

Vlad: The smell.

Savn: Smell?

It must be flax oil.

Savn: Oh. Linseed oil. I guess I must be used to it.

That must have been what they served the last place I ate, too, half a day east of here.

That would be Whiterock. I've been there twice.

Vlad: I didn't really notice the taste in the stew, but it made the salad interesting.

Savn: Some types of flax are used for cooking, some we use to make linen.

Vlad: Linen?

Savn: Yes.

Vlad: You cook with the same stuff you make clothes of?

Savn: No, not the same. It's different.

Vlad: They probably made a mistake, then. That would account for the salad.


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