21 October 2010



King Sotosoroto has made an official decree.

I better get cracking!

Let's see.... Oh yes! I was going to tell my "name" story:

At work the other day, an overly-friendly customer asked my name. (They do that sometimes.) Here's the conversation that transpired:

me: Maggie.

overly-friendly customer: Oh, that a nice name!

me: I like it.

OFC: I bet you didn't like it when you were a kid, though.

me: Well, the nice thing about "Margaret" is that there's so many different things you can do with it.

OFC: Oh, you're a "Margaret"?

me: Yeah, but I go by "Maggie".

[In case there's actually someone reading this who doesn't know me personally: My name isn't Margaret.]

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