21 August 2010


Quote of the Day: SB Nation: Seattle

From Nate Parham's "Five Reasons Why Now Is the Time To Give the Seattle Storm a Chance":

"[W]hile the prospect of a title run is something for Seattle basketball fans to take pride in during an otherwise dismal year for Seattle professional sports, there are likely still some people who simply are not persuaded by women's basketball for any number of reasons. I'm not going to bother critiquing that reasoning because honestly there's no reason to attack people for not liking a given sport - there are plenty of sports that I just don't watch. Of course there are some people who are openly hostile toward the WNBA and others such as Kelly Dwyer ("The WNBA? I think you should"), Jeff Fecke ("Hating on the WNBA is sexist"), Bob Ryan ("The game you're missing"), and Bethlehem Shoals ("The WNBA: Much Better Than You Think") have articulating the flaws with that reasoning. If you would like to discuss those articles further, I would recommend taking it up with 6'5" WNBA MVP candidate Lauren Jackson."


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