18 July 2009


Shuttle Buses

While waiting on the street for my bus tonight (since the bus tunnel was closed to buses today), I saw several route "97" buses go by. Often they would be right behind each other, and all of them were mostly empty. I had never seen a "97" bus before, so I was puzzled.

When I got home I looked them up online to find out what they were.

So, "every five minutes" explains why I saw so many of them. It doesn't, however, explain why they thought they needed so many of them!

(Did I mention they were mostly empty?)

(And can you tell I'm still bitter about buses being banned from the freaking BUS tunnel? Yeah.)


Your link points to a SoundTransit "page not found" page. What was 97?
Soto, my guess would be that Route 97 buses were the shuttles that took free riders, who didn't want to wait in line again for the light-rail, back to their starting point.

I'm surprised there were so many. Maybe I shouldn't be? We wouldn't want any negative comments about waiting in line to spoil the grand opening. \o/
Sorry, Soto. I swear the page was there when I posted! (I even double-checked the link!)

Anyway, Iris is correct. Last weekend they didn't allow round-trips on the train, so the buses were for people who didn't want to wait in line again to back home. The website said they would be by "approximately every five minutes".

I'm not sure if the bus ride was free, though.
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