05 March 2009



I love xkcd. Usually I get the joke right away. Sometimes I don't get it at all.

Every once in a while I get it, but it takes me a second or two. Today's is one of those:


Spore is a computer game where you start out with a single-cell organism and eventually conquer the universe with your amazing civilization. It's really a combination of types of games that have been around for years, hence the joke. . .
Okay. I didn't get today's.
Bloody Mary comes when you stand in front of a mirror and say her name three times. She then kills you in some horrible way. So this woman set it up so that the Mary's from all the mirrors would kill each other.

You should watch "Supernatural" -- they had an entire episode devoted to Bloody Mary. (And, in fact, solved the problem in a similar way to the comic.) See how education TV is?
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