04 November 2005


Dream Temperatures

So. Last night during one of my dreams there was this lake. And I was told the temperature of the lake was 109 degrees. I was quite freaked. When I had to traverse it, I was very careful not to get any of the water on me (there were dry spots and trees I used to get across).

However... I saw other people wading through (apparently it was a shallow lake), and they weren't being burned like I expected.

When I woke up this morning I figured it out: To me, 109 means 109 Celsius, but the lake was actually 109 Farenheit. For those of you not familiar with the difference: normal human body temperature is 37 C and 98.6 F, and water boils at 100 C and 212 F. So there's a big difference between 109 C and 109 F!

Now I just need to figure out why the other people in my dream knew that the temperature was in Farenheit when I, the dreamer, did not....

109 F is still hot water. A quick web search reveals that the temperature of the hottest sitting pools at hot springs resorts is 110 F. A person could not sit in 110 F water for long, but could probably wade in a lake at the temperature.
Yeah, the people were moving quickly, like it was hot and uncomfortable, but they weren't, you know, dying, like I had expected.
You dream in celsius? You're either foreign or a science nerd!
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