01 May 2005


Star Wars

My brother and I went to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy last night (which, rather surprisingly, didn't suck) and one of the trailers was for Episode III. It was actually the first time I'd seen a trailer/commercial for it, and I had to work really hard not to squeal with excitement/delight/joy/anticipation right there in the theater. I finally got the excess EEEEE!!! out of my system by hitting my brother on the arm a couple of times. Poor Soto!

After the trailer, Soto turned to me and said, "That music was from Empire and Jedi." I shouldn't be surprised that he knew that, but I was.

The trailer looked awesome, obviously. But I'm not exactly a hard sell. I grew up on Star Wars, and I love it all. :) Well, except for the pod races in Episode I. That was kind of dull. But everything else is fantabulous. Lots of people seemed unimpressed by Episode II, but I really liked it, and I can't wait for III.

How much longer???


In the Episode II trailers, they used some music from Ep I along with the standard Eps V & VI stuff. (-;
Oh, and "two-and-a-half weeks" is the answer to your question.
I don't remember you hitting me on my arm...
Do you like getting so many comments on your blog? (-:
Except I won't go see it when it first comes out, because I'll have to 1) wait until a day when I don't have school and/or work all day (which, as you know, are rare) and 2) wait a week or two till the crowds thin out. So it will probably be more like a month. *sigh*
Yes, I hit you on the arm. Not hard, 'cause I did still have a slim grasp on reality, but I did hit you.
Yeah, sure I love comments! ;)
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