03 May 2005


Customer Rules, part 6

Rule #6: Don't sit on the steps.

Or in the aisles. Or anywhere else that you're blocking foot traffic, because, hello! You're not the only one in the store.

I'm a little more forgiving of kids doing this, because they're, you know, kids. They get absorbed in something and don't realize how their actions are affecting the rest of the universe. But adults? You're adults. Try to be at least a little self-aware. If you sit on the steps in front of the entrance to the store, you're blocking other people from entering the store. If you sit down in the aisle to look at something, you're preventing other people from coming down that aisle.

Once I found a kid sitting in the aisle, completely blocking it (we have narrow aisles where I work). I very nicely (because, you know, it's a kid) asked the kid to move, and suggested another room where he could sit that wouldn't block other people (or, you know, GET STEPPED ON!, because, you know, kid!) The adult with the kid reacted as if I had asked the child to chop off his own head with a rusty knife. Sheesh!

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