04 May 2005


The Amazing Race

I don't watch much reality TV, but I do enjoy The Amazing Race. Right now they're down to the last three teams: Rob/Amber, Ron/Kelly, and Uchenna/Joyce. Personally, I want Rob and Amber to win. Why? Because they're racing the best. Yes, they've made a couple of mistakes, but generally they're kicking fin. Uchenna and Joyce are lovely people, and are doing ok, but they keep getting confused about the whole "race" concept. Ron and Kelly...well... they're also doing ok, and Ron seems nice enough, but Kelly?

She claimed Ron proved he didn't like to commit because he got out of the military early. Why did he get out of the military early? Because... (wait for it)... he was POW.

No, really. That's what she said.


And you thought Colin's broken ox was bad!

Well, Rob&Amber aren't racing all that great. They yielded Ron&Kelly instead of Uchenna&Joyce, after all. If they had made a different decision, they could have been going up against Gretchen&Meredith in the final footrace...
I still think Rob and Amber are doing a better job than the other teams.

But hey, did you notice? I managed to get links in my post! I'm very excited about this. :)
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