08 April 2005


Best Friend

In my last post, I referred to my "best friend" Jack. Last I heard, she wasn't all that comfortable with the label "best friend", because of its annoying connotations. (Think of 13-year-old girls being "bestest friends forever" one week and hating each other the next.) I totally get that, but I've never been able to find a better label. I mean, it *should* make sense: I have good friends. A, B, and C are my better friends. Jack is my best friend. Simple, right?

I'm a little more comfortable with the label than Jack because I actually had a childhood best friend. It was one of those friendships where we didn't remember *not* knowing each other, and we spent as much time together as possible. (Which was pretty easy to do, considering we were in the same class and went to the same church.) Because of that good experience, I have a different view of "best friend" than Jack does.

I can't really call her my "oldest friend". For one thing, that makes her sound like she's old, and she is always quick to point out that she's four months younger than me. She isn't even the friend I've known the longest -- that would be my brother. (Ok, yes, unfair advantage, but still.)

Maybe "closest friend"?

Well, whatever the label, she is someone I admire greatly, and trust completely.

Heh. Cool title. A bit ironic for the self-proclaimed "Queen of Procrastination". Though, maybe it's a bit of positive self-talk, if you'll pardon the gag-worthy psycho-babble phrase. ;-)

Re: your latest entry, thanks for the paean to, well, me. Frightfully nice of you, and all that /Lord Peter Wimsey. Mind you, friendship is a two-way street, and it hasn't hurt me at all to have spent nigh on 15 years in the company of a dang cool chick.

Meanwhile, the phrase "best friend" still kind of makes my teeth itch, much the way "Oh. My. GAWD, yourhairlookssoCUTElikethatwearmyredbarretteanytime!" would. I know it shouldn't, but it does, so, if I may offer...

*Top Buddy
*First Homes
*Numba one friend
*Pole position partner in crime
*Friend to the nth power
*Zee Eeeevil Ueber-Freund, Dominatrix of zee Universe

Cheers, mate.


P.S. Can you believe that this blogger software doesn't recognize "/Lord Peter Wimsey" (inside sideways carrots) as valid HTML? Geez. ;-)
Gasp! No "Lord Peter Wimsey" tags? What is the world coming to? ;)

As to your suggestions:

1) sounds like a trucker CB radio thing
2) I should never, ever use the word "homes". I am way not cool enough for that. You've known me for 15 years. You should already know this about me. ;) ;)
3) a little dorky, but I'm pretty dorky, so a definite possibility
4) Not sure I understand this one. "Pole"??
5) Ok, I'm a math geek, but "nth"? Not *that* big of a math geek. ;)
6) That one just makes me giggle. Hee!
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